Tammy Harrell

Tammy Harrell

Tammy Harrell

August Gallery Exhibit

Tammy Harrell will be our gallery guest for the month of August 2023. A reception will be held to recognize her work

Thursday, August 17th

5 pm to 8 pm

1125 N Main, Hutchinson

Please join us for a celebration of art by our gallery guests and Clayworks artists! Refreshments will be served!


Tammy Harrell Bio

I retired 4 years ago from the Hutchinson clinic in the MRI department. I wanted to pursue painting. I enrolled in a class at the senior center and this journey began. The ladies at the Senior center have been painting for 40 years and took me under their wing. They have taught me so much and taught me to paint what I love. With each painting I began to improve. I branched out into doing faces. Then I started painting the Chiefs and some more modern art with lots of color. After entering some of my paintings at the Kansas State Fair, I won some ribbons, so that encouraged me to do more. I have always loved the Chiefs, so I began painting them. Those seem to be my most popular pieces. I began selling my portraits of the Chiefs and that is what I am doing to this day.  

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